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Moist Well Drained Plants

See below for a list of all plants we carry that meet the characteristic criteria of Moist Well Drained plants.

Abelia chinensis 'Abesrpras' PP33516

Bloomables® Raspberry Perfection™

Abelia chinensis 'Keiser' PP21632

Color Choice® Ruby Anniversary™

Acer palmatum var. dissectum

'Red Dragon' Japanese Maple

New Acer rubrum - 'Armstrong Gold™' Maple

Acer rubrum

'Armstrong Gold™' Maple

Acer saccharum

'Bonfire™' Sugar Maple


'Firefly Sunshine' Yarrow

Achillea hybrid

'Firefly Amethyst'


'Ever Amethyst™' African Lily

Ajuga reptans

'Blueberry Muffin'

Alocasia baginda

Mythic™ 'Nairobi Night'

Aralia cordata

'Sun King' Japanese Spikenard

Asparagus densiflorus

'Myersii' Foxtail Fern

Bambusa glaucescens

'Alphonse Karr' Bamboo

Brassica rapa

Chinese Cabbage-Michihli

Buddleia 'CranRazz'

'CranRazz' Butterfly Bush

Buddleia davidii

'Windy Hill' Butterfly Bush


Callie® Bright Red